Title: Message
Thanks for the comments; I am still not sure I 
> understand or agree with the "proprietary" code part; 
> my definition (based around ownership) seemingly disagrees 
> with yours - we will then obviously disagree about the  
> implications... 
For purposes of evaluating information technologies I consider a technology proprietary if it is only available from a single source (or perhaps a closed consortium). Eg. an AS/400 is proprietary a PC is not, MS Excel is proprietary, spreadsheets, in general, are not.
When a technology happens to be an Open Source project your concerns are probably less than if the source was an obscure vendor with minimal revenues.  None-the-less many Open Source initiatives have withered on the vine in the past. 
As I've also implied, it's not just an issue of long term support; portability can be an issue. The other issue is the cost of acquisition: when something is available from multiple sources it there is competition to drive down prices (not a concern with Open Source) and competition to include features (including good documentation :-)...
However, all this is just incidental to the reason for my original response: the fact remains that you don't need XSP to write a major Cocoon application...

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