Hy, all;

I want to ask again for some opinions on the most commonly used
tools of the cocoon-users. I want to setup a Wiki-page on this
theme, so that new users can get most out of cocoon. And since
we already write about howto install Servlet Containers to
get cocoon users happy, in the next step it seems natural for
me to write about development environement for cocoon users ...

I opened another thread this weekend,
but it quickly left off the theme...

The original thread start can be found at


Here the short list of what i grabbed together into my development

free tools:
1.) OS: linux and solaris (maybe a mater of taste)
2.) apache 1.3.26 (mod_jk2, mod_SSL)
3.) tomcat 4.1.18
4.) cocoon-2.0.4
5.) eclipse
6.) sunbow eclipse tools (xml/sitemap)
7.) ant
8.) java-1.3.1 (sun JDK on all platforms)
9.) Secureway LDAP Server (i'll switch to Open LDAP soon)

Besides this i use some comercial tools like clearcase and xml-spy.
although i know most of the OS comunity does not like such tools,
i use them with great success. I mentioned these tools too in my
first mailing (see link above)just to be complete.

Any hints on what you think is missing in the list, or could
be replaced by something more convenient would help me getting
the (not yet existing) Wiki page into a cleaner shape.

regards, Hussayn

Dr. Hussayn Dabbous
SAXESS Software Design GmbH
Neuenhöfer Allee 125
50935 Köln
Telefon: +49-221-56011-0
Fax:     +49-221-56011-20

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