
Your last comment sounds very promising.
How could i let cocoon throw in the "static" refs ???
Wouldn't that mean i need cocoon to find the hrefs and
do some replacement stuff there. Or how would i do that?
any pointers to howto, docs or so ?

regards, hussayn

> Its not that elegant to have references to
> "http://static.example.com/path/to/myhelp.html"; but hey, it gets
> the job done.  You can tell cocoon to throw in the "static" a
> href for you so it wouldn't be that much work.

Chris Wilkes wrote:
On Thu, Feb 13, 2003 at 06:14:22PM +0100, SAXESS - Hussayn Dabbous wrote:

Here is the problem:

1.) I want all static files been served by apache, i.e.:

   *.gif, *.html, *.jpg

2.) I want *ALL* other files be served by cocoon.

I ran into the same thing and from what I could find out is that you
really want a "!" operator on the JkMount directive.

Now how should i setup mod_jk.conf ????

The list could potentially go down endlessly.
There MUST be an obvious solution to this!

Here's what I did, its just for the images but you could extend it to

Create a new website called "images.examples.com" in your
httpd.conf file.  Here's some snippets of my Apache2 one:
     ServerName  www.example.com
     # this all goes to cocoon, but need a docroot anyway
     DocumentRoot /usr/local/www/data/example
     # send all these requests to the coyote connector
     JkMount /* cocoon
     ServerName  images.example.com
     DocumentRoot /usr/local/www/data/example
So now when a request comes in you'll have Apache handle it differently
for "www" vs "images"

Its not that elegant to have references to
"http://static.example.com/path/to/myhelp.html"; but hey, it gets the job
done.  You can tell cocoon to throw in the "static" a href for you so it
wouldn't be that much work.


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Dr. Hussayn Dabbous
SAXESS Software Design GmbH
Neuenhöfer Allee 125
50935 Köln
Telefon: +49-221-56011-0
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