
I'm new to Cocoon, so sorry if this is a question with an obvious answer - but I can't 
find anything online which explains how to do this.

I have a set of pages in XML. I pass them through an XSL transformation, which 
auto-generates hyperlinks, etc.  Because I want to use sessions when these pages are 
viewed on the web, this XSL file adds in XSP tags, including <xsp-session:encode-url>

The output from this xsl transformation is valid xsp - at least, it follows exactly 
the same pattern as the 'apple' xsp example from the cocoon wiki, with the same xmlns 
declarations at the beginning, etc.  So, at this point I want to add something to my 
pipeline which tells Cocoon to treat the XSL output as XSP, but I can't work it out!

Here's the relevant part of my sitemap:

<map:match pattern="course/**">
  <map:generate src="course/en/{1}.xml"/>
  <map:transform src="course/course.xsl"><map:parameter name="use-request-parameters" 
<!-- something needed here -->
  <map:serialize type="html"/>

I assume that somwhere here I need a tag something like <map:transform 
type="serverpage"> after the existing .  I've tried variations on <map:transform 
type="serverpage"/>, but this just gets me error messages about component handlers not 
being found.  So, I'm missing something. Any hints would be very gratefully received!  
It's probably something really obvious, but I've got a mental block on it now.

Many thanks,

Ah Moh

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