On śro, mar 05, 2003 at 03:13:02 +0200, Derek Hohls wrote:
> I am trying to create a <map:act> that has a variable
> type name, based on the input to the match pattern.
> I have tried various combinations of "nesting", such as
> the shown in the sitemap fragment one below, but I get 
> the same type of error each time, ie.
> org.apache.avalon.framework.component.ComponentException: 
> UnnamedSelector: 
> ComponentSelector could not find the component for hint:
> {../../1}-entry
> Any ideas how I handle this?
>    <map:match pattern="forms/*_entry">
>      <map:act type="session-validator">
>        <map:parameter ...
>        <map:act type="form-validator">
>          <map:parameter ...
>          <!--  attempt to have variable -->  
>          <map:act type="{../../1}-entry">
if you could consider switching to xsp actions you could do :
<map:match pattern="*">
        <map:act type="serverpages" src="{1}-action.xsp">
                <map:generate src="ok.xml"/>
        <map:generate src="failed.xml"/>
         | /  \ |        Leszek Gawron            //  \\
        \_\\  //_/      [EMAIL PROTECTED]          _\\()//_
         .'/()\'.     Phone: +48(600)341118     / //  \\ \
          \\  //  recursive: adj; see recursive  | \__/ |

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