I have also started to look into this, but have not come up with anything yet. I'd be very interested in anything you come up with, and will certainly pass along any ideas I have.

On Wednesday, March 5, 2003, at 12:15 PM, Irv Salisbury III wrote:

We'd like to use paging in our application from the result sets returned from the SQLTransformer. However, with a number of our queries returning 20,000+ rows, it seems like the current Paginator will not cut it for us. This is mainly because it looks like the Paginator expects all of the data to be there, which we don't want it to be.

What we'd like to do is to take advantage of the setFetchSize() stuff in the Statement object, and the fact that the drivers we are using implement this properly. So, in essence, the driver will only go and get the number of rows we want, and when we go past that number of rows, it will go and fetch N number more. To do this, we have to do our paginating by using the ResultSet directly.

I have been wrestling with this and looking at the code for SQLTransformer to see if I could extend it to do this. Basically, set the fetch size on the Statement object before querying. I also then need to put the ResultSet object into my session so I can retrieve it with my paginating transformer. Upon looking at this, it doesn't seem like there is a good way to tap into the SQLTransformer to do this. It seems like another alternative would be to just copy the source code for SQLTransformer and tap in where I need to. Seems pretty nasty, but would get me where I want to go.

So, I'd love feedback on this, as well as any thoughts from people that might have tackled this before.


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