I see some problems with your sitemap. 'Readers' are components, must go inside
the <map:components> element like this:

<map:readers default="resource">
 <map:reader logger="sitemap.reader.resource" name="resource" pool-max="32"

associating readers with a particular file happens in a <map:pipeline>:

<map:match pattern="*.gif">
 <map:read mime-type="image/gif" src="images/{1}.gif"/>

<map:match pattern="*.jpg">
 <map:read mime-type="image/jpg" src="images/{1}.jpg/>

I doubt this is everything you need to set things right, but I hope it gets you on the right track

also you don't need a separate pipeline for each match



I have set up a reader for jpeg and gif, and the backdrop is loading
from remote computers. The downside is that smaller images are still not
loading. I have attached my style sheet and sitemap, to aid any



-----Original Message-----
From: Charles Yates [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 10 March 2003 18:04
Subject: Re: 2 (should be) easy questions

Richard Cunliffe wrote:


I have two questions:

1. I'm not sure if this cocoon or my inability to do XSL, but I have my web page images in an images folder, under the root directory soundpool. Everything was looking good until I checked the site in netscape, when I found the images were not loading. I consequently checked on other on other computers, and they were not working there either. Do I need to included something in my sitemap to tell cocoon where the images are. If this is not the case, could someone please tell me how to get them to work. The rest of my XML is being parsed correctly. Below is an example in my style sheet referencing an image:

<img src="C:\tomcat\webapps\cocoon\soundpool\images\uktop10.gif"/> - This is what XML Spy produced in its XSLT designer, I have also tried

to do it that way figure out how to browse to the image on your filesystem using the file:// scheme.
should be something like file://C:\tomcat\webapps . . . Then use that

<img src="images\uktop10.gif"/> - this also doesn't work

to do it that way you need to define a reader for the gifs in your sitemap. see

2. My next question is a DTD question

I have SQL statements in my XML code to query a MySQL database, and I now want to display the results, but how do I define this SQL query in

my DTD?? I have attached a XML file.

I would dispense with the dtd if you're just trying to get things


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