Haha, I'm sorry about that. My normal email account was down last night and I needed to ask a question quick. My real name is Kris as I have been signing my emails with.

I'll unsubscribe from this account and use my regular account in the future ;)


 jcplerm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Perhaps this message is inappropriate for this mailing list,
but what I want to say is that I wonder why people would
participate without showing their real names, but instead
conceal their identity by means of fake yahoo or hotmail
I joined recently, so maybe this has always been a common
practice anyway.
I think there are occasions when concealing the identity is
appropriate, but this mailing list is composed of frank,
honest and motivated individuals that give their best to
advance technology.
In my opinion, not showing the real name is a lack of
respect to the rest of the participants, especially those
that have consistently given their best.
Again, sorry for this e-mail not being about Cocoon...
Thanks for your attention.
Julio Lerm
(Yes, that's my real name, and I am not ashamed or
affraid of showing it...)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 12:28 PM
Subject: Re: esql not working at all, no connection ever created!

Here is my xsp code:

<xsp:page language="java" xmlns:xsp="http://apache.org/xsp"
     select * from antiques
            <esql:get-int column="id"/>
            <esql:get-string column="name"/>

Here is my web.xml:

        <!-- For IBM WebSphere:
        com.ibm.servlet.classloader.Handler -->

        <!-- For Database Driver: -->
        <!-- For parent ComponentManager sample:

Here is my cocoon.config:

<jdbc name="antiques">
     <pool-controller min="5" max="10"/>

Here is my pipeline for testing:

   <map:match pattern="content/*.xml">
    <map:generate type="xsp" src=""/>
    <map:serialize type="xml"/>

Thanks again

 Christopher Painter-Wakefield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Please post your xsp code, or at least the portion with esql in it. Very
hard to help, otherwise.


| | Not Available |
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| | 04/01/2003 03:47 |
| | AM |
| | Please respond to|
| | cocoon-users |
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| cc: |
| Subject: esql not working at all, no connection ever created! |

I have been trying to get esql to work now for about 3 days with no luck. I
beleive i have configured everything correctly but when I run any xsp page
with esql it returns a duplicated page of my xsp page except that it stops
at the esql:connection tag. When I look at the error log it says there was
a null pointer exception. After examining the generated java file I think
it is because a connection object is always null (never set to a valid
connection). However I am pretty confident my pool is set up correctly and
the drivers are being loaded ok.

Here is the code that it points to in the java file:

_esql_query = new EsqlQuery( _esql_connection, String.valueOf(

+ " select * from antiques "
+ " "
) );

No where above this code is the _esql_connection every initialized with a

I am using the latest release for java 1.4.1 and running windows me with



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