On 4/4/03 2:05 PM, "Upayavira" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> I am having some issues using the TEI (http://www.tei-c.org/Lite/)
>> stylesheets (http://www.tei-c.org/Stylesheets/teixsl.html) to convert
>> the XML to HTML. After much searching I found a document on the cocoon
>> wiki discussing the xsl:output tag and how it cannot be used in cocoon
>> - http://wiki.cocoondev.org/Wiki.jsp?page=XSLT.
> It's not that it won't work, more that you shouldn't be using it for certain
> functionality. 
> Therefore, if it is in an existing stylesheet, you might well find it works
> anyway.
> Can you say more about what the problems are that you're having?

Sure, I am using Cocoon 2.0.4, I have my config something like this (it's at
work, but it should be close):
Xml directory - content
Xsl directory - transforms

There is one master xsl stylesheet which is mapped in the sitemap conf. All
xml in content are mapped to this stylesheet.

Originally when I was calling the xml doc I was getting a weird xalan
exception, so I switched over to saxon 6.5.2 as my processor. Now what is
happening is I am getting an empty html doc returned (with just the most
basic html tags nothing else) and a real file is being generated in my
content directory.

Let me know if anything I said is unclear.


> Upayavira
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