Title: Message
I've just started to play with Cocoon and in particular XMLForm. My goal is to create a template-based editor to generate XML documents following a specific schema. I figured, I'll use a simple DOM-based model for the XForms, populate it using a set of forms, then xslt-transform it into the required format, and either return the result to the user, or upload it to the server. The hope is that an admin user to only define a few XML documents to create a new template: the model, the xmlforms, the xslt stylesheet to transform the model into the correct schema document, and possibly the state-transition graph to be parsed by my custom Action to define the sequence of steps in a form...
My first concrete question is, how do I make the XML document with the data populated via XMLForm available to the cocoon pipe? Does this approach even make sense?
Also, where can I find documentation for DOM-based model? I found some simple tutorial, but how powerful is this approach? What are the limitations of the kind of data that can be expressed? Can it, for example, handle repeating elements, and how would those be expressed?
Probably more questions to follow :)
- Eugene

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