Hello Daniel,

you probably must build the request string step by step, because the variable $cn would not get evaluated otherwise:

<xsl:variable name="xindiceRequestString">

  <xsl:text>?xpath=course[contains(prerequisites/courseno, '</xsl:text>
  <xsl:value-of select="$cn"/>

<xsl:for-each select="document($xindiceRequestString)//course">

1. But be aware of a problem using document():

Maybe it's better to use XInclude or CInclude or sitemap aggregation:

(If you use Cocooon 2.1 simply replace the 2.0 by 2.1.)

2. And is it really necessary to use //course. Double slashes are almost always very time-consuming. I would change it to a more exact XPath.

3. Is it possible to replace the server's root http://localhost:8080/cocoon1/ by cocoon:/ to access simply Cocoon without HTTP. It's only an inner request and much faster:




Daniel Graversen wrote:

I'm trying to include information from an other document in an XSL. The
document I'm trying to get is made with Xindice and Cocoon as described in
tutorial about this, and the command work nicely in my browser.

I have tried with the following command where I whould like to change XXX
to anumber i have in the variable $cn.

 <xsl:variable name="course" select="@courseno"/>

Does any know how to do this.

Regards, daniel

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