hello experts,
i have a small applikation where the users can log in in to a portalpage
(mysql-database), if they are not in the database they can create a user
account (user,pass).
what i want is when they create a useraccount, that a user be automatically
created also under unix to a usergroup which have less priviliges, this
allow them to connect the workstation by using telnet.

first i thought this is impossible to do, but i read some postings in other
forums and there are 3 possibilities:

1- when a user create a user-account: a java class create a file with user
and pass and a cronjob look everytime to the file if there are new user odr
not, if yes so he can add them

2- a java class which add the user under unix
3- a java class which calls a shell script

is there any one who can tell me how i can realise this, i think the most
simply is possibility 3, but how i can do that ?


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