Hello all!  *Apologies for cross-posting*

ArchivesSpace “Beyond the Basics” skill share 2.0 is scheduled for November 7, 
2017, at the William Way LGBT Community Center in Philadelphia.

The call for presentation proposals has been extended through Friday, October 

The idea is simple: Those of us using AS get together to offer hands-on 
examples, tutorials, and presentations.

ArchivesSpace offers training on the basics; this skill share is a chance to 
learn and teach how to do more (hence the name "Beyond the Basics"). We think 
this will be good for the regional AS community. We also think this will be fun.

All aspects of working with AS are welcome: APIs, migration, installation, 
third-party scripts, custom tools.

Last year's event was successful, and we had some great presentations and 
workshops.  You can view the agenda for the previous skill share here: 

This will be successful only if folks volunteer to share skills. If you have 
something that you want to teach, explain, show off, or even just ask a group 
of people about, please sign up using this form: http://bit.ly/2tqaQDO.  
Submissions will be accepted until the end of the day Friday, October 6.

*We will have access to a projector and a screen, but everyone must bring their 
own laptops.  If your presentation requires participants to download anything, 
you will need to provide a link and installation instructions several days 
before the skill share so as not to stress the wi-fi.*

If you have any questions, please post them to the Mid-Atlantic ArchivesSpace 
Interest Group here: 

Thank you,

Chrissie Perella
on behalf of the AS Skill Share Planning Team

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