
Code4Lib Toronto will be hosting a robotics meetup on Thursday October 26th, 
6:30pm EST at BiblioCommons (119 Spadina Ave, Toronto ON). At this event, Ben 
Van Gorp will talk to us about running maker spaces in the public library, and 
will share some examples of the gadgets he has been working with.

You can RSVP for the event and keep up with the Code4Lib Toronto group on our 
meetup page: https://www.meetup.com/code4libtoronto/

A big thank you to BiblioCommons<https://www.bibliocommons.com/> for providing 
space for this event. Hope to see you there!


Kaitlin Newson
Digital Projects Librarian
Scholars Portal, Ontario Council of University Libraries
416 978 6639 |  kait...@scholarsportal.info<mailto:kait...@scholarsportal.info>

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