The Code4Lib 2018 Program Committee is happy to release the voting results
for proposed talks.

Every year, the Code4Lib community votes on proposals that they would like
to see included in the program. The top 10 proposals are guaranteed a slot
at the conference. For all other slots, the Program Committee curates the
remainder of presentations in an effort to ensure diversity and quality
using the following criteria:


   Favor first time presenters

   No duplicate presenters

   Diversity of presenters by gender, ethnicity, institution, type of

   Diversity of topics/content

   Presentations still generally well voted/received by community

Those who proposed a talk but were not selected are highly encouraged to do
a lightning talk during the conference. Lightning talks are first come
first serve sign up during the conference.

Voting results are now available on the Code4Lib wiki at:

The complete program will be announced in early- to mid-December.

For more information about Code4Lib 2018, visit

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