On Tue, Dec 12, 2017 at 9:10 AM, Eric Lease Morgan <emor...@nd.edu> wrote:

> As I sit here watching my EAD files get indexed by Solr, I ask myself, “To
> what degree are we — the Code4Lib community — curating our content?”
> Seriously, our “community” generates content, and the bulk of it takes
> three or four forms: the mailing list, the journal, the wiki, and
> conference agendas/schedules. How “important” is this content? While it my
> very well be backed up, and while it may very well be restorable, I wonder
> about its intrinsic values...

Generally speaking, if you have to wonder about the value of something, you
already have the answer.... ;)

But seriously, just because a theoretical use case can be imagined is not a
good reason to dedicate resources -- this is the very definition of a
solution looking for a problem.

Whether or not  content is formally organized, the good stuff has and will
continue to permeate thinking/systems/processes elsewhere.


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