(Cross-posted, pardon any duplication)

Last spring it was announced that the Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC) 
was moving forward to implement the recommendations of the PCC ISBD and MARC 
Task Group (Revised Final Report 
2016<https://www.loc.gov/aba/pcc/documents/isbdmarc2016.pdf>). The timeline 
called for a period of testing and outreach, but there were some delays in 
getting that started. Now we are ready!

Please see the attached announcement for details. The announcement is also 
available on the PCC website<http://www.loc.gov/aba/pcc/>.

I would like to emphasize that the purpose of this test is to gather feedback 
about how bibliographic records with limited ISBD punctuation function in 
library systems and other applications, and to enable the PCC to make decisions 
about the feasibility of a policy change. This announcement will be shared 
widely so that libraries, vendors, and others who make use of MARC data are 
aware of the test.

The test will run through July 1, 2018. The announcement includes links to a 
website with sets of test records and to a survey for providing feedback.

Lori Robare
PCC Chair
University of Oregon Libraries

Attachment: ISBD punctuation test announcement.docx
Description: ISBD punctuation test announcement.docx

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