Currently at the University of Illinois Springfield we are using Archon for 
archival management, however we are exploring moving away from Archon. The 
systems we are looking at include Islandora, ArchivesSpace, Omeka, and 
Archivematica. My hopes currently lie with a combination of Islandora and 
Archivematica for flexibility and ease of transition, but Omeka is very simple 
and I think it would be easy for anyone to use. I'm also looking at 
ArchivesSpace due to the fact that it has a nice migration tool for Archon, and 
that may facilitate the transition of data to a new system but AS does have 
good merits on its own.

-Alan Huebschen

-----Original Message-----
From: Code for Libraries [mailto:CODE4LIB@LISTS.CLIR.ORG] On Behalf Of Turner, 
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2018 3:09 PM
Subject: [CODE4LIB] What DAMS does your institution use, and why?

Hi everyone - At The University of Alabama Libraries, we are currently in the 
discussion phase of considering a new Digital Asset Management System. 
Therefore, we are curious what other institutions use, and perhaps their 
reasoning, and / or satisfaction with that tool. Also, if you’d like to 
indicate public/private, it’d be appreciated. Answer as much or as little as 
you like, I do not want to be a burden on already busy schedules and workdays - 
if you want to just tell me the tool then that would be more than enough info. 
I’m reading lots of articles on the topic at the moment, and I haven’t seem 
much in terms of a comprehensive survey of institutions and the tools they use, 
but lots of ‘a building body of evidence indicates such-and such’ - I’d like to 
try and see more accurately what folks are using.

Thank you so much in advance, if you care to participate.

Steven Turner.

Steven Turner, MLIS
Manager, Web Technologies and Development, Assistant Professor University 
Libraries The University of Alabama
416 Gorgas Library | Box 870266, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0266 office 205-348-1638 |


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