(apologies for cross-posting)

Are you doing interesting work or research with metadata?

Whether you are engaged in cutting-edge innovation, working to refine
good practice, or teaching (or learning!) about metadata technologies,
then the Dublin Core annual conference and workshop is the place to
be. This year we will be hosted by the University of Porto in Portugal
(September 10th - 13th, 2018), and our conference will be co-located
with the TPDL 2018 conference (delegates will be able to register just
once and have full access to both conferences). We already have some
great sessions lined up, and a superb line-up of keynote speakers

The DCMI community includes a broad range of people, including
academics, developers and technicians and practitioners of all kinds.
The conference reflects this, and we welcome submissions of all kinds,
academic (peer-reviewed) and non-academic including:

Peer-reviewed content:
- papers
- project reports
- posters

Other (non-peer-reviewed) content:
- presentations
- special sessions (e.g. panels, mini-workshops, moderated discussions etc.)
- tutorials
- workshops

The deadline for submissions for the DCMI 2018 is fast approaching
(May 7th), so get your proposals in soon!

Full details for submission:

Information about the conference (speakers, venue, location etc.):

If you have any questions about this, please contact me at:

We hope to see you in wonderful Porto in September!

Paul Walk
DCMI Managing Director

[^1]: http://dublincore.org/conference/2018/keynotes/

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