is now restored with a static site version in Jekyll, was running Drupal 7, and fell to the recent mega Drupal hack. 
Instead of trying to completely clean and rebuild that site in Drupal, and 
because there had already been talk of moving to a static site, I tried out the 
Jekyll Drupal 7 importer from the MySQL database, and it worked very well.

After some cleanup, I have the Jekyll site deployed to, and the 
code on GitHub and ready for others to help with:

I've added several known issues, though I'm sure there are more and am hoping 
others can help find, add and fix them. The setup should be similar to the 
2016-2018 conference websites, though this isn't hosted on GitHub Pages. 
Deploys are manual right now, by me, but I'm looking into other options.

I think anyone in the Code4Lib GitHub org can review and merge a Pull Request, 
though if not let me know.

All previously uploaded slides, notes and the logo files are in /files and 
existing links to those should mostly work.

New content is welcome too, more instructions for that later but you can copy 
and change an existing post in _posts, updating the date and text.

There's likely a better theme option than Minima but it worked to get started.

I'll keep an eye on the GitHub repo but if you have any questions you can email 
me or find me in Slack.

Ryan Wick

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