*Does your library have exciting, innovative ways to train your patrons
about information technology?*

The ALA/Information Today, Inc. Library of the Future Award honors an
individual library, library consortium, group of librarians, or support
organization for innovative planning for, applications of, or development
of patron training programs about information technology in a library
setting. The annual award consists of $1,500 and a 24k gold-framed citation
of achievement.  *All types of libraries are welcome to apply!*

The 2018 award winner was the NCSU Libraries in Raleigh, N.C. for their
active learning centered Emerging Digital Information Skills workshops
which addressed a previously unmet need for instruction in areas like data
science, visualization, virtual reality, digital media production,
fabrication and introduced students and researchers to tools such as
Tableau, Web VR frameworks, Jekyll, 3D printing and R programming.
Sessions gave a conceptual overview of the technology or process, provided
a structured hands-on experience where participants learned by doing, and
allowed time for participants to apply that learning through open-ended
exploration and play.

*Nominations should address the selection criteria*, which “include the
benefit to clients served; benefit to the technology information community;
impact on library operations; public relations value; and the impact on the
perception of the library or librarian in the work setting and to the
specialized and/or general public.”

ALA is currently accepting nominations for the 2019 Library of the Future
Award: *http://www.ala.org/awardsgrants/awards/213/apply
<http://www.ala.org/awardsgrants/awards/213/apply>*.  The online
application is to be submitted to ALA by February 1, 2019.  For additional
information, contact Rene Erlandson, Award Jury Chair,
rene.erland...@gmail.com or Cheryl Malden, ALA Governance Office,

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