A reminder that the deadline for proposals is Friday Feb 1 at midnight!

Also registration is now open! Limited to 125, it will close on April 15, or 
when we reach capacity. Visit http://bit.ly/BPE2019 for all conference info as 
it develops.

Best Practices Exchange 2019: New Digital Directions
Call For Proposals
Best Practices Exchange (BPE) 2019
April 29-May 1
Columbus, Ohio

Call for Proposals form: 

The Best Practices Exchange Program Committee invites submissions of session 
proposals for the 2019 Conference to be held April 29-May 1 at the Columbus 
Metropolitan Library Main 
 in Columbus, Ohio.

The BPE is an unconference that focuses on the management and the preservation 
of digital information and brings together practitioners to discuss their 
real-world experiences, including best practices and lessons learned. Deadline 
for proposals is EXTENDED to Friday February 1 Friday January 18, 2019 

Plenary Speakers: Sharon 
 Associate Professor of History at Michigan State University, where she is 
developing projects on digital public history and digital networking projects 
related to enslaved communities in Maryland. Katherine 
 Executive Director of the Educopia Institute, home of BitCurator Consortium, 
Library Publishing Coalition, and MetaArchive Cooperative.

Registration: $125. Includes 2 continental breakfasts, 1 lunch, breaks, and 
reception. Limit of 125 attendees with waiting list. Registration form coming 

Tentative Schedule: Monday: half day (afternoon), plus evening reception; 
Tuesday: all day; Wednesday: half day (morning), tentative afternoon tours.

Lodging: Several hotels in 
 Directions/Parking: Parking onsite at Library during the day | 

Sessions: Each session will feature one or more relatively short presentations, 
but at least half of each session should be devoted to discussion. Attendees 
and presenters should be prepared to share their own experiences, successes, 
failures, and lessons learned. These informal, small group sessions will give 
presenters and attendees alike a unique opportunity to meet, experience, and 
cooperate with other practitioners, educators, and researchers seeking to 
address a wide array of digital challenges.

A BPE session may feature a single presenter, two or three presenters 
addressing a common topic, or many presenters delivering lightning talks. 
Proposals for roundtable, facilitated discussions, or mini-workshops are also 
welcome. Sessions can range in length depending on amount content but most will 
be 60 minutes.

Noted topics of interest in relation to digital data and collections include:

  *   Accessibility/access issues
  *   Collections as data
  *   Content management systems
  *   Copyright in digital collections / Rightstatements.org
  *   Digital collection building with communities
  *   Digital disaster planning / Mitigation
  *   Digital library platform development
  *   Digital storytelling
  *   Diversity, equity, and inclusion
  *   Linked data
  *   Outreach and marketing
  *   Preservation workflows
  *   Privacy
  *   Revitalizing digital collections
  *   Security
  *   Use and reuse for digital humanities projects or other projects
  *   Using digital collections in the classroom

Proposals should include a session abstract of 100 words or less and the name, 
title, email, and organization for each presenter. Proposals may be submitted 
individually for shorter presentations or for a full session with multiple 
speakers. Shorter proposed presentations may be combined with others by the 
Program Committee. For more information, see the BPE website, and the proposal 
submission form.

During the first day of the conference, additional Birds of a Feather and 
Pop-Up session proposals will be solicited and approved.

Brainstorming session spreadsheet: 

Please send any questions to 

BPE is open to all, but particularly practitioners in government and university 
archives and libraries; educators and researchers in the fields of library 
science, information science, technology, archives, and records management; and 
product developers working to create systems for managing and preserving 
digital assets.

Thank you!
Program Committee
Linda Avetta (cochair), Pennsylvania State Archives; Janet Carleton (cochair), 
Ohio University; Derek Clark, Kentucky State Archives; Veronica Martzahl (past 
chair), Massachusetts Archives; Michael McNeil, California State Archives; Dan 
Noonan, The Ohio State University; Nick Pavlik, Bowling Green State University; 
Bonnie Weddle, New York State Archives.

Local Arrangements Committee
Janet Carleton (chair), Ohio University; Marietta Carr, Cuyahoga Community 
College; Jen Johnson, State Library of Ohio; Marsha Miles, Cleveland State 
University; Miriam Nelson, Ohio University; Angela O'Neal, Columbus Metro 
Library; Anne Ryckbost, Xavier University; Penelope Shumaker, State Library of 
Ohio; Nick Ver Steegh, Ohio University.

Best Practices Exchange, since 2006
 | Google 

Janet Carleton
Planning Cochair
Best Practices Exchange 2019

Janet Carleton | Digital Initiatives Coordinator | Preservation & Digital 
Initiatives | University Libraries | 1 Ohio University | Alden 333 | Athens, 
Ohio | 740.597.2527 | carle...@ohio.edu<mailto:carle...@ohio.edu> | 
https://media.library.ohio.edu/ | @jcarletonoh | @AldenLibDigital 
<https://twitter.com/AldenLibDigital> | http://pinterest.com/OhioDigiArchive/

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