Issue 43 of the Code4Lib Journal is now available on its website:  This issue has seven 

• Developing Weeding Protocols for Born Digital Collections authored by Athina 
Livanos-Propst and edited by Junior Tidal: when you have 100,000 resources how 
do you construct a sensible way to evaluate the quality of your collection? 
This article describes one way to approach the challenge.
• Content Dissemination from Small-scale Museum and Archival Collections 
authored by Avgoustinos Avgousti, Georgios Papaioannou and Feliz Ribeiro 
Gouveia, and edited by Sara Amato: extending the description of specialized 
collections – historic coins, in this case.
• Never Best Practices: Born-Digital Audiovisual Preservation authored by Julia 
Kim, Rebecca Fraimow and Erica Titkemeyer, and edited by Rebecca Hirsch: three 
case studies of how three libraries with different needs and goals approach 
digital preservation.
• SCOPE: A digital archives access interface authored by Kelly Stewart and 
Stefana Breitwieser, and edited by Eric Hanson: this collaboration extends the 
description of disparate digital objects.
• Making the Move to Open Journal Systems 3 authored by Mariya Maistrovskaya 
and Kaitlin Newson, and edited by Ron Peterson: the University of Toronto 
libraries had a tall task to update their hosted OJS installations, and in this 
article they describe how they accomplished it.
• Improving the discoverability and web impact of open repositories authored by 
George Macgregor, and edited by Péter Király: the University of Strathclyde at 
Glasgow test changes to their EPrints site to improve search engine 
optimization and offer suggestions for any site looking to improve repository 
• A Systematic Approach to Collecting Student Work authored by Janina Mueller, 
and edited by Ron Peterson: the Harvard University Graduate School of Design 
describes the technical and social issues behind their efforts to archive 
student works out of their learning management system.

Also included in the issue is an editorial with thoughts on what makes a 
vibrant community.  If these articles inspire you to write something for the 
Journal, please see our Call for Submissions page.


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