That makes sense, thanks. I have certainly spent some time with that
openurl reference document. It occurs to me that for external users, it
would actually be _preferable_ for them to see both sets of links. Since
this link is in fact attached in this case to some data generated _from_
my link resolver, even if you are external there is benefit in going to
the link resolver to understand the source of the data you were looking at.

But there may not be any good way of achieving that. Hmm.


Eric Hellman wrote:
If the COinS is wrapping the hard-coded OpenURL link, OpenURL
Referrer Firefox extension will replace the hard-coded link with a
soft-coded OpenURL link, and the result will be what both sets of
users expect.

I am developing a service to put our link resolver (SFX) information for
a given title on the OPAC 'details' screen for that title.

In addition to putting the information right on that screen, I'm putting
an OpenURL link there to our link resolver. To begin with, this is not
"COinS", because I need it to work for all my users using ordinary
browsers, it's just a hyperlink hard coded to my link resolver.

But then as I'm finishing this up I realize, hey, why not throw in a
COinS object too. So I do that, now there's a COinS object sitting next
to my hardcoded link. But now, if a user has the OpenURL Firefox
extension installed, the user will end up seeing TWO link resolver
links. My hardcoded one, and one converted from the COinS.  If they are
from another institution, my hardcoded one will be to MY local link
resolver, and the COinS-converted one will be to THEIR link resolver of
choice, which is probably just fine.

But if they are from MY institution, and have chosen my link resolver in
their firefox preferences, they wind up with two identical link resolver
links right next to each other. This is kind of annoying, and sometimes
appears to confuse people slightly. But mainly probably just looks

Have other people implemented similar things to this, and how have you
dealt with it? Any suggestions?



Eric Hellman, Director                            OCLC Openly
Informatics Division
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                    2 Broad St., Suite 208
tel 1-973-509-7800 fax 1-734-468-6216              Bloomfield, NJ 07003      1 Click Access To Everything

Jonathan Rochkind
Sr. Programmer/Analyst
The Sheridan Libraries
Johns Hopkins University
rochkind (at)

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