Ditto to that. I can't believe you guys actually edited all the
presentations into separate videos! And the camerawork--pointing at
screen when neccesary--is great! This is in fact better video
presentation then I've seen from just about any other conference (some
of which wanted to charge you extra for the video!).  Thanks so much to
Noel and his helpers, you guys are awesome.


Roy Tennant wrote:
This is so wonderful to have the video available that I have a hard time
figuring out how to express my appreciation. Being able to relive the
conference (for those of us who were there), or to experience it for the
first time (for those of us who were not) is incredibly cool. As someone who
was there, but was unable to pay complete attention to the lightning talk
speakers due to management responsibilities, this allows me to more fully
experience the conference. It also provides me with the opportunity to more
fully share it with my colleagues. Thank you Noel, Ryan, Karen, and everyone
who was involved with making this possible. It totally raises the bar on
future confernces, but in a good way. I hope we can continue to make this
content available in such a way. It will certainly make the impact of the
vent much more broad-based long-lasting. Thanks,

On 3/15/07 2:49 PM, "Ryan Eby" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

All videos are now uploaded for download and linked to from the
Presentation and Lightning Talk pages. Let me know if you notice
anything incorrect. Google is slowly churning through the processing
so those should be on there within a day or so.


On 3/15/07, Noel Peden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi all,

The video editing and encoding is now done.  There's still more work to
post them on Google, but we should be over half-way.  Dan / Roy, the
feedback session is also up under "Other" in Day 3:
This url is temporary.  Once everything is up on code4lib, this page
will go away.

Mashup ideas: I will probably, some time next week, do a mashup of the
conference.  If there are any fun quotes or other things people remember
that ought to be in there, let me know.  I'll grab photos from flicker
(send others if you have 'em.)


Noel Peden
Pierce Library System Administrator

Jonathan Rochkind
Sr. Programmer/Analyst
The Sheridan Libraries
Johns Hopkins University
rochkind (at) jhu.edu

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