I think you'll find that OSD has died the death.  Have you managed
to find a copy of the DTD?

You're probably better off with a more general metadata framework such as
METS or RDF.  There were some efforts at using RDF to describe RPM
packages for GNU/Linux software but these are no longer maintained.  Some
of the efforts that were going on 1997-2000 felt that they were superceded
by improved package management tools in various GNU/Linux distributions
and by sites like Sourceforge and Freshmeat.

Chris Gray
Library Systems
University of Waterloo

On Tue, 17 Jul 2007, Sharon Foster wrote:

Please forgive the cross-posting.

For my final project in the class Digital Libraries, I am bringing
together a "bibliography" ("appliography"?) of open source software
applications and free web services that would be useful in the
construction of digital libraries. (How self-referential can you get?
;-)) I am looking for advice on finding, selecting, and using an
existing XML schema that would include syntax for the type of
application, target platforms, OSs, licensing, etc.

In searching Ask.com and Google, I zeroed in on OSD, the Open Software
Description Format, but I'm not finding a lot of new material about
it, and I can't recall ever reading about it. Is this in fact the
latest and greatest? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Sharon M. Foster, B.S., J.D., 0.5 * (MLS)
F/OSS Evangelist
Cheshire Public Library
104 Main Street
Cheshire, CT  06410
My library school portfolio: http://home.southernct.edu/~fosters4/

Any opinions expressed here are entirely my own.

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