I've kind of lost track of the threads, but just to clarify:

 - ibiblio doesn't solicit collections.  you go to them, and if your
materials are in scope, they usually say yes.  they also aren't quick
to turn things around, as has been pointed out, because they have a
shoestring staff with huge collections to maintain and many many users
to support.  But, their hearts are in the right place, and they've
delivered on their goals for 15+ years.

 - looks like code4lib.org is restored (some?  all?) to an OSU host -
three cheers for rordway!  That alone is a major argument for OSU
assuming hosting of c4l.org's main web presence for now.  I'd still
like to carry the discussion through a bit further, but, really, big
thanks to rordway et al. :)


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