Nate, we use LibStats religiously here.  I would be interested in joining the 
community - but similiarly to you, I don't have much time to spare.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Code for Libraries [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
> Nathan Vack
> Sent: Friday, October 26, 2007 12:42 PM
> To:
> Subject: [CODE4LIB] Libstats is looking for project leaders
> Hi all,
> I was recently involved in a discussion about the mechanics of
> running an open-source project over at Library Web Chic, and I've
> come to the conclusion that for a project to succeed, it really needs
> to have at least a small, dedicated community. A community of one is
> no community at all ;-)
> For the last few years, I've been in charge of running Libstats, a
> small, GPL'd reference statistics tracking / knowledgebase project.
> For a variety of reasons*, I'm unlikely to have a significant amount
> of time to devote to the project ever again... and there are a lot of
> things that could use improvement, ranging from squashing bugs to
> improving documentation to adding features to answering support
> questions.
> So... here's my call for volunteers. This project is quite small
> (<6400 LoC), PHP / MySQL-based, and seems to work pretty well for the
> majority of its users -- it'd be a great place for someone new to
> open-source project management to learn the ropes. I'd especially
> like someone outside our university to have some ownership of the
> project.
> Interested? Head over to --
> that's where the party's at.
> Cheers,
> -Nate Vack
> Wendt Library
> University of Wisconsin - Madison
> * Full disclosure: I'm also working on a hosted, closed-source
> competitor to this project... so for me to stay solely in charge of
> Libstats would be conflict-of-interest-central. That's not my only
> reason, but it's a big one.

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