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Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2007 09:55:26 -0500
Conversation: Do You Have a Metadata Creation Tool to Share?
Subject: Do You Have a Metadata Creation Tool to Share?

As a follow-up to the successful 2006 RLG Forum on the economics of
description, RLG programs is planning an RLG partner forum in 2008 to
showcase some tools for creating "more, better, faster, cheaper" metadata.
The event will bring together developers and implementers, allowing tool
developers to showcase their tools and implementers a chance to consider
which tools might be usefully employed in their institutions.  We expect
that the forum will also provide guidance and feedback to the research
community; identify areas where further tool development is needed, and
which tools could be components of OCLC grid services.

We are following up on the tools mentioned by respondents to the recent RLG
Descriptive Metadata Practices survey and are issuing an open invitation for
you or your colleagues to submit a short description of a tool you use that
expedites the creation of descriptive metadata.  We are most interested in
tools that can be used by multiple institutions that do not require
purchasing a new system--tools that rely on commonly available software most
institutions would already have in-house or that are based on open source
components.  Tools do not need to be large scale!  We're interested in
finding out about small tools that make a difference in creating or
improving metadata at your institution.

Do you have such a tool that you would consider demonstrating and getting
feedback on from your peers?  If so, please take a few minutes to respond to
this short Descriptive Metadata Tools Survey:

Responses would be appreciated by January 18, 2008.

We value your input!

With thanks,

Merrilee Proffitt and Karen Smith-Yoshimura
RLG Programs, OCLC Programs and Research
777 Mariners Island Blvd. Suite #550
San Mateo, CA USA 94404
Phone: 1-650-287-2141
Karen and Merrilee blog at http://www.hangingtogether.org/

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