Code4Lib Journal: Call for Submissions

Consider submitting proposals for articles, book & software reviews, code 
snippets & algorithms, conference reports, opinion pieces, etc. to Code4Lib 

  Code4Lib Journal strives to fill a communication niche above simple 
description of software implementations but below pure theoretical digital 
library investigation. The editorial board is looking for content that is 
practical, demonstrates how to exploit technology to create digital library 
collections and services, or offers insight and forethought regarding the use 
of computers in any type of library setting. While articles in the journal 
should be of a high quality, they need not follow any formal structure or 
guidelines. Writers should aim for the middle ground between, on the one hand, 
blog or mailing-list posts, and, on the other hand, articles in traditional 
journals. We want publishing in the journal to be easy and painless, helping 
the community to share timely, relevant information that is currently shared 
all too rarely.

The first issue of the Code4Lib Journal was published in December 2007 and is 
available at  The second issue of 
Code4Lib Journal is well underway and set for publication in March. The third 
issue is not quite full. The Journal welcomes submissions at any time on a 
rolling acceptance basis. Proposals received by Friday, March 14, 2008 will 
receive consideration for publication in late June 2008. Upon provisional 
acceptance, authors will be given an article deadline, typically 6-8 weeks 
before journal publication.

  Send in a submission. Your peers would like to hear what you are doing.

 Submission of articles proposals and articles should be submitted 
electronically to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (a private list read only by C4LJ editors) 
in a format likely to be widely readable. The article should be accompanied by 
some brief author metadata and, if appropriate, disclosure statement (see 
below). We have no more precise specs at this time, but may develop some at a 
later date, and reserve the right to ask for submission in a different format 
if we have trouble with yours. Authors are welcome to contact the Editorial 
Committee ( with a proposal, 
rather than a complete article.

 For more information, see our Article Guidelines 
( and  the Journal's Process 
and Structure (

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