Dear Code4Libbers,

I'm very pleased to announce that for the first time in almost two years there has been a new release of marc4j. Release 2.4 is a minor release in the sense that it shouldn't break any existing code, but it's a major release in the sense that it represents an influx of new people into the development of this project, and a significant improvement in marc4j's ability to handle malformed or mis-encoded marc records.

Release notes are here: 220/44060/changes.txt

And the project website, including download links, is here: http://

We've been using this new marc4j code in solrmarc since solrmarc started, so if you're using Blacklight or VuFind, you're probably using it already, just in an unreleased form.

Bravo to Bob Haschart, Wayne Graham, and Bas Peters for making these improvements to marc4j and getting this release out the door.


Elizabeth (Bess) Sadler
Research and Development Librarian
Digital Scholarship Services
Box 400129
Alderman Library
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA 22904

(434) 243-2305

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