I suspect getting the tech right at the conference end is One Tech Hurdle Too Many. It's already kind of a miracle that we pull off the necessary technological feats with an all volunteer staff on the cheap.

But, hey, if you can get a volunteer who will be in Providence to say they'll try to set it up for you, then why not?

Any tech setup time for the would be, I'd say, counted within the 5 minute lightning talk limit, and if the 5 minutes expire and they still haven't gotten it working at all, sad, but over.


Karen Schneider wrote:
If the tech is right at both ends, is C4L open to virtual lightning talks? I
don't have one in mind -- just curious.

Jonathan Rochkind
Digital Services Software Engineer
The Sheridan Libraries
Johns Hopkins University
410.516.8886 rochkind (at) jhu.edu

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