Yes. There are no service level guarantees or anything, but the Code4Lib wiki is available for use by code4lib community members on development projects etc. At your own risk, of course. It would be a fine place for the open source book widget project, in my opinion.

We have had some problems with spammers on it. There is a way to restrict editing privileges to logged in accounts for a certain page, but I forget how.

I also think that MediaWiki is less than ideal for the development documentation/collaboration purposes we're using it for, but that's what we've got!


John Miedema wrote:
Is the Code4Lib wiki intended for any related use? My Code4Lib account
appears to give me editing rights, so I assume it's okay, but just
wanted to check.

A handful of people have been talking about their shared interest in
developing open source book widgets. We see that some widgets are
already in existence and new ones are being developed. There is clear
overlap, and we've been eyeing the Code4Lib wiki as a place to
collaborate. Are we good to go?

If you're interested in the discussion, please come join our list:

"We love open source. <strike>No, you can't</strike> Yes, you can have
our code."

Jonathan Rochkind
Digital Services Software Engineer
The Sheridan Libraries
Johns Hopkins University
410.516.8886 rochkind (at)

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