Hello Kevin, 

I am interested in attending. 


Junior Tidal
Web Services and Multimedia Librarian
CUNY New York City College of Technology
300 Jay Street
Brooklyn, NY 11210

>>> Kevin Reiss <reiss.ke...@yahoo.com> 1/21/2009 4:57 PM >>>
Hi List Members,

Just a reminder that our regional Code4lib group, Code4libNYC, is holding our 
meeting of the New Year. The time, date, and location are:

Time: Thursday, January 29th from 10:00 A.M. until 12:00 noon
Location: Metropolitan New York Library Council Offices
Address: 57 E. 11th Street, New York, NY (near Union Square)

All are welcome to attend. If you are thinking of coming please
RSVP to me so we can have a general head count prior to the meeting.

We are hoping to continue the interactive round table/lightning talk
format that we've had at our previous two sessions and we are looking
for any interested members who would like to speak at the upcoming
meeting. These talks are informal and can be about anything you'd
think the group might find interesting. Some of the early scheduled topics

*CakePHP Web Application Framework
*An Open-source ERMS project, FreERMS
*Using Omeka as a Digital Collection Building Tool

There is plenty of time for all who wish to present to speak so please
contact me at reiss.ke...@yahoo.com if you are interested in getting on 
the schedule. The METRO office provides network connectivity and 
projection so if you'd like to demo something that can easily be accomplished.

For more information on our past activities and programs see
our wiki at http://www.metro.org/collaborate/index.php/Code4libNYC.

See you on the 29th,

Kevin Reiss, Co-Convenor, Code4libNYC


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