On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 17:35, Rob Sanderson <azar...@liverpool.ac.uk> wrote:
> For example, the owl:sameAs predicate is used to express that the
> subject and object are the same 'thing'.  Then the application can infer
> that if a owl:sameAs b, and a x y, then b x y.

Yes, but there's a snag; as RDF work only on the URI resource level
(no added semantics to the typification of the URI resource) if
someone does an owl:sameAs between an identifier of a thing and a
locator of a thing (a locator being the resource itself as opposed to
being an identifier; example are you talking about Sun Corp
(http://sun.com/) or are you talking about their website
(http://sun.com/)) you can get a nasty case of integrity rot, and I've
not seen any proposals to address this issue (the RDF world is
essentially assuming modeling from the viewpoint of everything being

I guess Mike don't like RDF *nor* Topic Maps now. :)


 Project Wrangler, SOA, Information Alchemist, UX, RESTafarian, Topic Maps
------------------------------------------ http://shelter.nu/blog/ --------

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