FWIW, I agree with Jeremy, and I just want to remind folks that the logo
assets are available from this page on the Code4Lib web site:


For use in promoting your event, etc.

On 6/4/09 6/4/09 € 8:51 AM, "Frumkin, Jeremy"
<frumk...@u.library.arizona.edu> wrote:

> Hi Nicolas - 
> I think what you are planning to do is great, and I personally can't see any
> issues with what you've described. There is a code4lib NW event today in
> Oregon, and there have been a number of "regional" code4lib events put
> together by members of the community.
> To me, holding events like this are exactly what code4lib is all about.
> -- jaf
> ==================================
> Jeremy Frumkin
> Assistant Dean / Chief Technology Strategist
> University of Arizona Libraries
> frumk...@u.library.arizona.edu
> +1 520.307.4548
> ==================================
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Code for Libraries [mailto:code4...@listserv.nd.edu] On Behalf Of
> Nicolas Morin
> Sent: Thursday, June 04, 2009 8:34 AM
> Subject: [CODE4LIB] code4lib / elag2010
> Hello,
> A number of the code4lib community members are based in Europe : some
> of us where at the code4lib conference in the US in February; some of
> us where at the ELAG conference in Bratislava in Europe last April.
> There has been some talks about a code4lib conference in Europe in the
> past. At ELAG in April this idea came up again. But as Eric Lease
> Morgan noted in this forum a while ago on this subject, it would not
> be a good idea to duplicate efforts. ELAG itself is not as hands-on
> and geeky as code4lib : Ross Singer, who was at ELAG this year, said
> he found it more like Access. And while we don't want to duplicate
> efforts, we feel there's a place for a more technically oriented
> event.
> So, after some discussion with the people from ELAG, here's what we
> propose for 2010 : not a Code4lib Europe conference, but an addition
> to the existing ELAG conference : a one-day, pre-conference seminar
> for the code4lib community. Something hands-on, technical. Something
> about Lucene/solr in it's many incarnations was suggested, but we're
> very much open to other suggestions at this stage.
> I want to make sure that the code4lib community finds it appropriate
> that we use the code4lib "space" to setup something that's going to be
> tied to another conference (ELAG). I don't think there's an issue
> here, but I want to make sure no one feels the code4lib "brand" is
> being inappropriately used.
> I also want to make sure that those of you who are interested can
> participate in the setting up of this pre-conference : I opened a
> (more or less blank, at this stage) wiki page for this at
> http://wiki.code4lib.org/index.php/Code4lib/elag2010
> The code4lib community members who have expressed interest in setting
> this up so far are : Jakob Voss, Etienne Posthumus, Peter VanBoheemen,
> Till Kinstler and myself. If you're interested in this effort, feel
> free to go edit the wiki page.
> You can get more information about ELAG 2009 at http://indico.ulib.sk/elag2009
> ELAG 2010 will be hosted by the Finnish national library in Helsinki,
> in June 2010
> Cheers,
> Nicolas


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