I hadn't wanted to rain on the parade, but David's comment inspires me to do
so. Does anyone really think we will hear anything new from Richard
Stallman? I mean, seriously?

On 7/23/09 7/23/09 € 9:20 AM, "David Fiander" <da...@fiander.info> wrote:

> If you were to invite Stallman as your keynote, that would certainly
> make me feel better about the fact that I have to miss Code4Lib again
> this year.
> On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 11:55 AM, Andrew Nagy<asn...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'd also be happy to nominate my old boss Joe Lucia at Villanova.  He is a
>> Library Director who fully supports Open Source software and speaks on it
>> from time to time.  He was the keynote speaker at the recent Evergreen
>> conference.
>> Andrew
>> On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 10:24 AM, Andreas Orphanides <
>> andreas_orphani...@ncsu.edu> wrote:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> The time has come once again to commence discussion of possible keynote
>>> speakers for the upcoming Code4Lib 2010 conference in Asheville!
>>> If you've got any suggestions for a speaker who'd be engaging,
>>> knowledgeable, and foolhardy enough to accept this high honor, throw their
>>> names to the list for discussion.
>>> We here at Code4Lib 2010 World Headquarters, deep under the sea, will
>>> accept nominations until *September 16, 2009*. Shortly thereafter we will
>>> open the polls for online voting.
>>> All suggestions and comments are welcome! Discuss away!
>>> Andreas Orphanides
>>> Code4Lib 2010 Keynote Speakers Committee


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