Register now for the WorldCat Mashathon Seattle
Join fellow developers for the next two-day WorldCat Mashathon
<> . Sponsored by the OCLC
Developer Network <>  and the
University of Washington libraries <> , this
WorldCat Mashathon will be held Thursday and Friday, November 5-6 at
Odegaard Undergraduate Library at the University of Washington, Seattle.
The Seattle Mashathon will follow the same format as previous events in
>  and New York <> .
Participants will spend the two days brainstorming and coding mash-ups with
local systems and other Web services to take advantage of all that WorldCat
<> , the world¹s largest and most comprehensive
bibliographic database, has to offer. Developers from the library community
and beyond are encouraged to attend.
WorldCat includes materials from libraries around the world, including
images, video games, movies, articles, books, maps and more.
Why attend the WorldCat Mashathon?
* Brainstorm potential apps  for the WorldCat Search  API
<> , our bibliographic
grouping services and other OCLC Web  services.
* Get a preview of the new  WorldCat Basic  API
<> .
* Gain development access  to 1.4 billion items from more than 10,000
libraries worldwide.
* Integrate these resources  with many  others
<>  to create innovative new  services.
* Meet fellow developers  across the information industry.
* Share your creative  vision and be a part of the next wave of online
library development.
Roy Tennant <>  of OCLC Research and
longtime Code4Lib <>  participant will kick off the
session. OCLC staff will also be available for questions and breakout
facilitation. Ideas, outcomes and code from the Mashathon, together with a
participants list, will be shared during and after the event for others to
download and build on.

Learn more and register now
<>  for the Mashathon.

Roy Tennant
OCLC Research

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