Ross Singer wrote:
Yitzchak, are you interested in actually searching the fulltext?  Or just
highlighting the terms?

Sorry this wasn't clearer. Let me re-summarize, and report on a new development:

- Greenstone allows for Lucene as one of the indexing plugins

- I took advantage of this for use in our PHP frontend, EmeraldView (

- Greenstone includes a Java wrapper class for Lucene which indexes documents as the collection is built

- This wrapper class indexes but does not store the document full text; thus a search only returns document IDs of hits. This means that, in order to place search terms in context, we have to load the actual documents. I want the search API itself to return the surrounding text.

New info:

I was in fact able to hack the Java to include the full text in the index. Just a matter of adding a line of code and an "if" statement, once I'd been immersed in the code long enough. Trying to port it to PHP (i.e. rewrite it) was instrumental in figuring out why in the world the Greenstone indexing code is structured the way it is.

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
33 West 23rd Street
New York, NY 10010
Tel (212) 463-0400 x5230
Fax (212) 627-3197

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