[Apologies for cross-posting.]

LibraryThing is throwing a free mini-conference on Friday, Jan. 15, on
the first day of ALA Midwinter.

Check it out:

We're looking to do some things differently—assume knowledge about
technology (ie., "start higher"), and bring in bookstore and
publishing people too, and ask the big questions.

We're planning to have a talk or two, a free-form unconference part,
and some sort of high-powered debate panel on the future of libraries
and the book. And some sort of party. Boston is our home town, after
all. If we can arrange it, we may have a flash-mob cataloging event

If you're interested in helping or talking, let me know, join the
LibraryThing group or follow the Twitter group (@ConferenceThing).


Check out my library at http://www.librarything.com/profile/timspalding

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