On Mar 24, 2010, at 3:24 PM, jenny wrote:

> My question is, where would you recommend I would begin? What's hot
> right now in the library world? Python, PERL, Ruby? Any advice you'd
> have for a beginner like me or even recommendations for online courses
> would be extremely appreciated

If you are approaching the problem for the point of view of learning a 
programming language, then then you have outlined pretty good choices. At the 
risk of starting a religious war, I like Perl, but PHP is more popular. Java is 
pretty good too, but IMHO it doesn't really matter. In the end you will need to 
use the best tool for the job.

Another way to approach the problem is to have a programming language dictated 
to you. Is there  a particular (open source) software package that interests 
you? Koha? WordPress? Lucene? If so, then choose the language of that software 
package. Perl, PHP, and Java, respectively.

Just as important as the actual language may be the programming techniques you 
will have to learn. Now-a-day knowing how to read and write XML is almost 
imperative. Knowing how to do I/O against a database is all but necessary. 
Understanding how to send URL's to remote resources and parsing the results is 
common place. Learning how to output your content as an HTTP response is all 
too common. All of the languages incorporate extensions for doing such things.

Finally, the whole thing usually boils down to, "What works for you?" 
Personally, I have never been able to pick up a computer language without first 
having real-world problem to solve. Do you have any "itches" that need 

Eric Lease Morgan
University of Notre Dame

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