Quoting Jonathan Rochkind <rochk...@jhu.edu>:

Good point Aaron. Maybe that's possible, but I'm not seeing exactly what the interface would look like. Without worrying about how to implement it, can you say more about what you'd actually want to see as a user? Expand on what you mean by "listens for feeds of specific types," I'm not sure what that means. You'd like to see, what? Just initial commits by certain users, and new stable releases on certain projects (or by certain users?). Or you want to have an interface that gives you the ability to choose/search exactly what you want to see from categories like these, accross a wide swatch of projects chosen as of interest?

I would like to see:

1.  Code snippets/gists.

2.  New code projects.

3.  Stable releases.

It would be great if each entry could somehow be tagged, so, for example, if I wanted to see all code having to do with Solr, I could filter or search on that term.


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