On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 3:45 PM, Lars Aronsson <l...@aronsson.se> wrote:
> Wikipedia has 720 links to www.rockhall.com,
> which is a dream for any website,
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:LinkSearch/www.rockhall.com

I had no idea that Wikipedia provided a live search of external links.
Up until now I have been pulling those relations from our referrer in
our web server logs.

If you squint right (with your Linked Data tinted glasses on)
wikipedians sure look like catalogers, describing the resources that
libraries and museums put on the web.

For example from
it's possible to infer:

dcterms:subject <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Constance_Drexel> .

Since we don't have page level metadata for the 2 millions pages of
newspaper content in Chronicling America, this is pretty valuable


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