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edUi 2010 Conference November 8-9
Charlottesville, VA

A learning opportunity for web professionals serving institutions of learning.

============  We Invite You To Be A Part of edUi 2010! ============  
We seek dynamic speakers willing to share their knowledge and expertise about
Web design, user experience design and development. Preference is given to
presentations that offer practical methods and ready-to-use techniques and

• Have you completed an innovative Web project at your institution that you 
want to tell others about?
• Are you enthusiastic about introducing new technologies and techniques to 
other Web professionals?
• Do you want to share your ideas about user experience design and development?
• Are you ready to add something exciting to your CV or resume?

Then Submit Your Proposal Now!
Deadline for Proposals: July 16, 2010

============ Discounts ============
• Submit a proposal and we'll give you $100 off the conference registration fee.
• If your proposal is accepted, we'll include a full conference registration 
for free!

============ Headline Speakers ============
If your proposal is accepted, you'll be speaking alongside some of the top 
names in web design!

Paul Boag
David Berman   
Nick DeNardis
Alistair MacDonald
Greg Rewis   
Stephanie Sullivan

============ Get Connected ============ 
• Website: http://www.eduiconf.org/
• Facebook: http://eduiconf.org/facebook
• Twitter: http://twitter.com/eduiconf
• Crowdvine: http://eduiconf.crowdvine.com/

edUi is Produced By:
Virginia Foundation for the Humanities
This message was sent by: Virginia Foundation for the Humanities, 145 Ednam 
Drive, Charlottesville, VA 22903

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