Different communities use "metasearch" and "federated search" to mean exactly exchanged meanings. So I don't know what YOU mean by "'metasearch' instead of real 'federated search'", Jakob, heh.

I prefer the terms:
* Broadcast search
* Aggregated index

But some people use "metasearch" to mean the former and some the latter; some people use "federated search" to mean the former, and some the latter. Both uses are quite popular. So I stick to terms above which I think are harder to confuse.


Jakob Voss wrote:
David Kane wrote:

Anyone got any suggestions?

I am liking LibraryFind at the moment, but am not sure if anyone is using
it.  Has anyone else got experience with this or any other federated search

How about YaCy (see http://yacy.net/oai.html). Or did you mean "metasearch" instead of real "federated search"?


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