On Jun 16, 2010, at 8:28 AM, Jakob Voss wrote:

> Is there a nice piece of code or a tutorial or example how to easily 
> wrap your Solr instance to get a full SRU/SRW and/or OpenSearch 
> interface? Converting CQL to Solr query format is just one part of a 
> wrapper isn't it?

In a blog posting, I "illustrated" how to glue an SRU interface onto a Solr 
index. [1, 2] The illustration uses Perl. Yes, CQL is just one part of the SRU 
implementation, and again, using Perl I found the module named CQL::Parser to 
do just what I needed. [3] There is also a nice Perl module for handling the 
SRU-specific stuff. [4]

Much of this good work was done by Ed S.  edsu++

[1] posting - http://tinyurl.com/25csnb3
[2] example - http://infomotions.com/sandbox/solr-sru/
[3] CQL - http://search.cpan.org/~bricas/CQL-Parser-1.10/lib/CQL/Parser.pm
[4] SRU - http://search.cpan.org/~bricas/SRU-0.99/

Eric Lease Morgan
University of Notre Dame

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