
It's really beautiful. Like a good map or timetable, you can pore over
it for hours. I want a big copy for the office.

Can you explain it to me a little? For example, what does it mean to
say that XML or MPEG-21 has a much stronger connection to the library
community—as defined by uptake, intent and appropriateness—than MARC
and LCSH? That seems literally backwards. One can perhaps argue
"appropriateness" in various ways, but MARC and LCSH are ubiquitous
and intended for libraries in a way the others are not.

I also suggest changing "scholarly texts" to "texts." There are lots
of texts which aren't really "scholarly texts" that libraries—even
academic libraries—care about, aren't there? Also, while putting them
together has virtues, might there be cause to separate book-texts and
article-texts? They certainly differ considerably when it comes to the
update and appropriateness of various standards.


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