
The METS editorial board ( 
is very interested in your experiences and impressions of the METSRights schema 
(  As part of our efforts to 
target future development of this schema and to make it more responsive to your 
needs, we would like to hear from you.

If you  have implemented, or tried to implement, the METSRights schema, we 
welcome your feedback.  Specifically,

    How have you incorporated the METSRights schema into your workflow and 
digital library or repository environment?
    If you attempted to incorporate METSRights into your workflow but didn't, 
which rights language did you implement?
    Which parts of the schema worked well for you?
    Which parts of the schema didn't work well for you?
    What rights encoding needs would you like to see addressed in an updated 
version of METSRights?
    Would someone from your institution be willing to be contacted by us?  If 
so, please provide their contact information

Please respond to Patrick Yott at ( with your answers to these 
questions and with any additional comments you may wish to share with the 
Thank you very much for your feedback,

Patrick M. Yott
Digital Library Manager
Northeastern University Libraries
360 Huntington Avenue, SL270
Boston, MA 02120
p 617.373.4194
f 617.373.5409

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