On Fri, 27 Aug 2010, Mark A. Matienzo wrote:

I'm currently looking for any workflow and business process analysis
of the processes involved in processing archival collections. At this
point, I'm hoping to find fairly high-level information, ideally in
the form of or easily translatable into workflow diagrams to serve as
a strawman. Processing manuals may help, but likely are too detailed
for my current purposes. Please let me know if you have anything that
might help.

Have you already looked at OAIS?  (Open Archival Information System)

It's a reference model, so goes over the sorts of things that digital archives should do as they're ingesting / storing / disseminating things, but isn't a specific implementation.

Current version (2002):


There's also drafts as they're working towards making it an ISO standard. I'm not sure if this is the most recent version or not, but it matches the last draft ID (p-1-1) up for review on the CCSDS site:



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