Thanks for the note. I was too exhausted to take you up on it—up all
night fixing bugs :(


On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 11:25 AM, Ed Summers <> wrote:
> Whoops, that was bus 61B not 61D.
> //Ed
> 15:23 < edsu> @quote get 3
> 15:23 < zoia> edsu: Quote #3: "edsu, your source for bad advice since, well,
>              forever!" (added by edsu at 09:46 PM, September 06, 2005)
> On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 10:46 AM, Ed Summers <> wrote:
>> Kind of last minute and random, but If you are at ASIST in Pittsburgh
>> and want to get out of the downtown for some pizza at Aiello's in
>> Squirrell Hill please join Raymond Yee and myself there at 7pm.
>> It looks like a simple ride on the 61D bus:
>> And Raymond may be able to drive some folks back if they don't want to
>> taxi or bus back.
>> //Ed

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